Marx Library Knowledge Quiz
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What is your Jag#? *
What do we use to search the library catalog and journal databases at the same time? *
1 ponto
What is the name of the USA Libraries online catalog? *
1 ponto
What link should you choose to find out if we have a specific database? *
1 ponto
What link should you choose to find specialized guides to library resources? *
1 ponto
Where should you search for journal and e-book titles? *
1 ponto
Where can you find a chat box or e-mail address to ask  a question about the library? *
1 ponto
You must use your Jag# and JagMail password to login for remote access to library databases. *
1 ponto
In OneSearch, what link do you choose to find a search page with three or more search boxes? *
1 ponto
In OneSearch, there's no way to limit search results to peer-reviewed articles. *
1 ponto
In OneSearch, you can limit search results by date. *
1 ponto
To add items to a folder, you should click the blue folder icon to the right of a citation. *
1 ponto
In OneSearch there's no way to save search results in specific citation formats. *
1 ponto
In ACM Digital Library you can't edit a search to add search terms or limit by date. *
1 ponto
In ACM Digital Library, you can limit search results to Research Articles. *
1 ponto
In ACM Digital Library, how can you get fulltext for an article? *
1 ponto
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