BMJ Future Health - Call for Problems

We believe the best advances in health come from a true understanding of the challenges faced by patients, healthcare professionals and the wider system at the point of need - or preferably before. We frequently see great solutions to problems that don’t really exist. So please tell us about ones that do, that you'd like to see solved.

Complete the form below with the details of the problem that is being faced. 

These problems will be reviewed by our expert panel and the individual or team submitting them will be invited to present their problem, and get further expert input, at  BMJ Future Health in November.

You will be contacted by beginning of October with further instructions if your problem has been selected to be presented during BMJ Future Health in London, UK on 19-20 November 2024.

Closing Date for submitting problems: August 31st 2024.

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What is your summary problem statement? (30 words max)
What is the problem? (300 words max)
Suggested questions to answer:
- What is happening now?
- How do you know a problem exists?
- What can you observe that is happening now?
- What can you see in the data?
- How big (or widespread) is the problem?
What would happen if the problem is solved? (300 words max) 
Suggested questions to answer:
- What is happening because of the problem you've described above?
- What does the data tell you?
- What metrics would you use to measure if the problem is solved?
Background and context (300 words max)
Suggested questions to answer:
- What is the context?
- Who are the users?
- Has anyone tried to fix this before?
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