2025 Builders' Bash Awards Nomination Form
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Nomination for the Waters Woman in Construction Award
The Waters Woman in Construction Award (honoring the WCA's past Executive Director, Gretchen Waters) recognizes a trailblazing woman, who has made outstanding contributions to the construction industry. 

Please tell us who you would like to nominate for this award and provide a brief description of why you believe this person is deserving, including examples of their work or contributions to the industry.
Nominee's Company, Job Title, and Contact Information (email and phone)
Nomination for the "Rising Star" Award
The WCA Rising Star Award honors an individual who has been in the construction industry for five (5) years or less and has demonstrated excellence in their work, the industry and amongst peers.

Please tell us who you would like to nominate for this award and provide a brief description of why you believe this person is deserving including examples of their work or contributions to the industry.
Nominee's Company, Job Title, and Contact Information (email and phone)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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