Together in Jesus First Reconciliation "God Always Invites Us Home" Lesson 3, Part 4, October 24, 2021
Welcome to your Second "Together in Jesus" Reconciliation" Lesson, Part 1. The "Together in Jesus" program is designed to prepare you to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation. Through biblical stories and hands-on activities you will learn about the Ten Commandments, how to love and forgive each other as Jesus teaches, and how to prepare to make a good confession. So let's get started.
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GOD'S GIFT OF FORGIVENESS: If you remember in Lesson 2, we read the story about the Prodigal Son. The son who turned away from his family and the people who loved him. That is what sin is. Sin is when we choose to turn away from God and his family. Let's turn to Page 8 in your "God's Gift of Forgiveness" booklet and read about some people who you may have heard of before - Adam and Eve. When you are done please answer the questions below. Remember to use the story to help you answer the questions.
God gave Adam and Eve a rule: they could eat anything they wanted except ___________ from a certain tree. *
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Adam and Eve were tempted to eat the fruit, and they chose to do it. As soon as they took the first bite, they realized they'd broken God's rule. *
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Sin separates us from _________, and the people we love - our families, friends and the whole family of the Church. *
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Less serious sins are called _____________ sins. *
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More serious sins are called ____________ sins. *
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Great job! Sin is disobedience to God. Adam and Eve committed the first sin on earth when they disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden. They did not love God enough to follow his rules. They loved pleasing themselves more than they loved God. This was the first sin ever committed on earth, which is the reason it is called the original sin. Sin separates us from God and that is not what he wants for us. That's why Jesus wants to forgive sins and heal the break we cause in our relationship with God when we sin.
To finish off our lesson in "God's Gift of Forgiveness," let's look at Page 9. Ask yourself,  if you had one hundred sheep and lost one what would you do? Read Page 9 and then follow the directions to complete the picture using the quote from the Gospel of Luke on the right. And don't forget to place your lamb sticker in the area indicated.
LEARNING ABOUT THE TEN COMMANDMENTS: In Lesson 3, we have learned more about the 3rd and 4th Commandment and now our last one we will look at this week is the 5th Commandment: "You shall not kill." Turn to Page 9 in your booklet and read more about this Commandment. When you are done answer the questions below. Remember to look at your reading to find the answers.
The Egyptian rulers threatened to kill the Israelites baby sons. *
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Moses was adopted by the Egyptian ruler's daughter after she found him in a basket in the reeds at a river's edge. *
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Jesus often reminds us that all life is ____________ to God. *
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Fantastic job! The 5th Commandment tells us that we should avoid any behaviors that can physically harm anyone, including yourself. The 5th Commandment reminds us that life is sacred and that no one has the right to destroy it. In fact, this commandment means that we have a responsibility to take care of our health by eating well, exercising, and not doing anything to harm or put ourselves in danger. The 5th Commandment invites us to care for every human life: that of a baby in his or her mother's womb, waiting to be born; that of someone who is sick or of an elderly person nearing death; that of a brother or sister throughout the world who doesn't have necessities like food and water. The 5th Commandment ask us to defend, protect, and promote life. Because all life comes from God, we should always choose life. Remember to look at the "I examine my conscience" questions to see how you are doing in keeping the 5th Commandment. Don't forget to place the correct sticker on the page when you are done.
FAMILY TIME: RULES FOR HOME CHART: Really great job on Lesson 3!! Now it is time to talk about how you can carry what you have learned in this lesson throughout the next two weeks at home, school, or play. God gave the people of Israel the Ten Commandments, and in His Sermon on the Mount Jesus not only taught his followers to keep the Ten Commandments he also spoke of the Beatitudes as a way of living his new law of love. In your "Lesson Plan Activity Bag," you will find a "Family Time: Rules for Home Chart." Most homes have some type of rules that have their origin in the Ten Commandments. Work with your family this week to write a couple of family rules that will help you to act more like Jesus on the chart. Have everyone sign it and talk about how following these rules will help everyone in your home follow Jesus.  
PRAYER RITUAL: In the Gospel story we read in this lesson, the Sermon on the Mount, the people told Jesus that loving people that hate you or are your enemies was hard. When we find doing the things that Jesus asks us to do hard, turning to prayer and asking Jesus for his help is a great way to guide you to do what is right. The prayer, "We Follow Jesus," is a wonderful prayer to say to ask Jesus to help you be more like him and love the way he loves.
END OF LESSON SURPRISE! And now that you have worked so hard and finished your Lesson 3 it is time for you to open your "End of Lesson Surprise." Let the excitement and joy of discovering something new remind you of the "free, great, beautiful, forgiven and happy" feeling that you will have after leaving confession! It will make you feel like celebrating!! Enjoy!
Super great job!  I want you to remember that "Reconciliation is a Celebration." It is a celebration of God's power to make all things new for us!! We will continue to learn more about this celebration as we continue our lessons!
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