Soulstigator Deep Dive Retreat
We would love to have you at one of our upcoming Soulstigator Deep Dive Retreats! 

At Live Your June, we understand that not everyone is on the same journey. We cater to souls in transition, those seeking more, and those who feel lost or unsure of what to do next. At the retreat, you will dive into your journey, both past, present, and future to create a clearer picture of who you are and the imprint you want to leave behind you. You will embark on a journey of self-discovery that stirs what's inside you, harnesses the power of your personal evolution, and teaches you to embrace growth as a fundamental part of your unique path. 

Our goal is to bring our retreats to even more destinations in the future! Your input will help us determine what dates and areas work best for our community.  
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Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
What dates and locationss would you be interested in attending the Soulstigator Retreat? (Let us know where you'd like our future retreats to be hosted in the "other" box!)  *
What are some of the main areas of focus you are looking for support with? Please select all that apply.  *
What your BIG intention for the next year?  *
Do you have any friends, family, or colleagues who may be interested in attending with you?  *
Would you be interested in attending a virtual retreat Q&A session in the coming weeks? *
What is your preferred method of contact? *
Any other questions or comments?
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