TLQs Black Lit Directory - Editors
The Lit Queens Black Lit Directory is a directory for the Black literature community. Its purpose is to make it a little more easier for those apart of our community to interact and support one another.

This form is for those who provide editorial services to those in the literature community! I.E. Editors and professional proofreaders.

Please note that this directory will be public. If you are not comfortable with individuals contacting you via a certain channel, please do not include it or do not sign up for the directory.

Please tell all your LIT friends about the directory! We want this to grow!
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Name *
Business / Brand Name
Job Title: *
Social Media:
Website or FB Business Page:
What type of editing do you provide? *
Please list one - three books you've edited. (At least one is required!) Include title and author. *
Please post a testimonial from a satisfied client. *
What makes you a step above the rest? (Sell yourself to potential clients!) *
Best way for clients to contact you: *
Fun fact (let the people get to know you a little better!): *
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