We wanted to take the fun of a reverse raffle and spread it out over the offseason. We are selling tickets for $100 each. Each week, starting at Winter Doldrums we will draw a winner for a $50 cash prize. (27 draws!)

You could even win more than once! Numbers will stay in the pot until the end! Grand Prize Drawing will be in July. You don't need to be present to win.  

Entrants will receive their ticket by mail and winners will be notified by email how to collect winnings. Winners will be posted on the PIBYC facebook and website each week. If you have a preference to Number, leave it in comments. You will be contacted if that number is available or not.

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Name *
Email *
Mailing Address *
How Many Tickets are you purchasing? *
Are you buying tickets for other people as well? Please list additional names you would like on your additional tickets.  (Example: Ticket 1- Joe, Ticket 2- Stacy, Ticket 3-Ernest)      **If this question isn't answered we will assume all tickets will go to the purchaser.  
Do you have a preferred ticket number? We can't guarantee your choice, but will try. The sooner you buy your ticket the better your chances at your number of choice.
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