2024-2025 VCU RecWell Program Request Form
Thank you for your interest in requesting a program from VCU Recreation and Well-being (RecWell). Due to the high volume of requests we receive, please allow at least 30 days from your request date for presentation or special program requests. Please note that during August, our volume of requests are much higher and availability may be limited. Please join RecWell on RamsConnect to view all of our upcoming programs for VCU students, faculty, and staff. 

Do you need a program sooner? Check out our on-demand exercise and meditation videos led by our RecWell staff: https://recwell.vcu.edu/play/on-demand-programs/. You can incorporate these into a class, or share with your students, group, or department. 

You can also complete self-paced courses by self-enrolling in our RecWell CANVAS page through this link: https://virginiacommonwealth.instructure.com/enroll/P6B6GA  These interactive, virtual courses provide a foundation on health topics such as stress, self-care, mindfulness, bystander intervention, alcohol and other drug issues, and healthy sexuality. 

For questions about RecWell programs and special requests, please email Dr. Trisha Saunders, Associate Director for Programs & Assessment, at trsaunders@vcu.edu. We appreciate your support. 
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Requestor's/Point of Contact's Name *
VCU Email Address *
How did you hear about us? *
Type of Department or Organization *
Name of Your Department or Organization *
Who is the primary audience for this program (select all that apply)?  *
How many people do you anticipate participating in your program? *
Type of Program Request *
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