Your Podcast Website Show
I'm launching a show in a month or so (Late March, early April). My goal is to answer all your questions, and make sure I'm delivering the content you need. The show is fairly obvious (a website for a podcast) but we will more than likely get into SEO and other marketing ideas. So I'm looking to hear what YOU want to learn from a show called, "You Podcast Website." I'm leaving this open so you can go in any direction you want.
P.S. You are not being added to any email list. Your email is only if I have follow up questions.
Email *
What questions do you need answered on this topic? *
What is your favorite podcast length (we all know it needs to be as long as it needs to be, but do you have a preference) *
What App Do You Use To Listen to Podcasts? *
What Do You Currently Use For Your Website?
Any other thoughts?
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