Bike Summer 2024 Volunteer Interest Form
Thanks for your interest in helping make this the best Bike Summer yet!

Below you'll find a list of volunteer roles. There are a wide variety of dates, times, and duties for volunteers; we encourage you to read all descriptions before picking your preferred roles.

If you have any questions about volunteering with Bike Summer please email

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Social Media Handle (for shout-outs!)
Address (to send you a thank you note)
Phone number
Portland Bike Summer: Volunteer Roles!
We're looking for help in the following areas:
  • Poster distribution by bicycle
  • Table at Sunday Parkways
  • Merch Pickup Event
  • Volunteer Appreciation Party
  • Various Additional Bike Summer Support Roles (Logistics + Documentation)
Before selecting your preferred roles, we encourage you to read through all dates + descriptions to pick the ones that are the best fit. :)
Poster Distribution by Bicycle
We have 900 posters to post all over the Portland Metro Area.

Posters are available for pick up now. Sign up to distribute them and we'll email you further details.

Can you help with Poster Distribution? | Happening NOW
If "Yes" to Poster Distribution, please note that we'd like to get posters to the specific areas listed below, as well as "inner Portland."

Please select the areas you can help with, and let us know where else you intend to hang posters by leaving a comment in the "other" section. Ex: "Beaumont/Wilshire neighborhood."
Table at Sunday Parkways
Help us table at Sunday Parkways!

We'll be this community event talking to people about Bike Summer. 
Help people find rides of interest, show people how to sign up to lead a ride, and otherwise get them excited for three whole months of bike fun!!

 Cully | June 16 | Booth Location TBA
  • Lead - 10:00am-5:00pm (with break at 2pm) - Will need to pick up pop up tent, table, chairs, and materials prior. Cargo bike highly recommended.
  • Set up and table - 10:30am-1:30pm
  • Table and teardown - 1:30pm-4:30pm
Can you table at Sunday Parkways? | June 16
Merch Pickup Event
This laid-back event will be at on SE 34th at Belmont.

We'll be handing out pre-ordered merch and taking photos of people in their new gear.

The first Pick Up Event happened. The second one is June 18 5-7pm.
Can you volunteer at Merch Pickup Event? | June 18
Volunteer Appreciation Party
We need help thanking our volunteers! 

Roles include picking up items for the party, setting up the party, and serving food/beverages.

Date of Volunteer and Ride Leader Appreciation Party TBA, but will be in September.
Can you help Volunteer and Ride Leader Appreciation Party Support? | September date TBA
Various Roles Throughout the Summer
We're hoping to create lists of people who can support ride leaders throughout the summer, as we regularly get leaders reaching out asking for corkers, people with bike sound systems, or support with transporting people or things by bicycle.

In the spaces below, add notes regarding how you can help, for instance:

Corker - This role is for people who are comfortable stopping cross traffic and allowing the continuation of rides through intersections. Let us know the following: Do you have de-escalation training? Are you trained as a medic? Have you corked before?

Bike Sound System - What sort of sound system do you have? Do you bring your own playlists or are you okay playing ride leader's chosen music? Any limitations to how far you can ride or through what terrain? Etc.

Hauler - What is your cargo-carrying capacity?

Bike Mechanic - Do you have your own tools? Do you have tubes, etc.? Can you go on rides to help along the way, or do you prefer to set up at the start? 

Medic - Are you trained as a medic? Do you have your own kit? What is your specialty?
Bike Sound System
Bike Mechanic
Documenting Bike Summer
We need to document more Bike Summer events!! 

Photographer - we need "Instagram-worthy" photos to share on social media, on our website, and with the press. We'll provide events we'd like coverage of, and are also very excited to see additional events documented.

Videographer - we would like to share more Reels on Instagram! iPhone quality videos are fine. Bonus if you can stitch together movies with multiple clips.

Writer - we've got a handful of projects we'd like to take on, including a blog, an article series with a local news outlet, and on social media.

We're updating our volunteer database! If you've volunteered with us in the past, feel free to share a bit about your past activities -- and thank you. :) 
Is there anything else you like to do for Bike Summer 2024?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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