Bay Cove Human Services - Gala Survey
We are seeking feedback to inform the re-design of our signature fundraising Gala. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

All questions are optional. Please answer as few or as many as you like. 
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What was the best fundraising event you have ever attended, and what did you like about it? (Note: This is referring to any event, not necessarily a Bay Cove event) 
How did you first hear of the event you named in the previous answer? What motivated you to attend it?
What have you disliked the most about any event, or events, you have attended? (No need to include the name of the event unless you would like to.)
Please indicate which of the following factors would be most likely to motivate you to attend a Gala-type event for the first time. (Check all that apply)
Have you attended the Bay Cove Gala in past years? (formerly called The Pearl, The Changing Lives Gala, and Bay Cove's Big Night)
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If you answered "Yes" to the previous question: What do you remember the most about the Bay Cove events you attended? 
Please share any other comments, suggestions, or questions you may have. (If you ask a question, please provide your name and contact info below) 
I would like to:
Note: Providing your name and contact info isn't required to submit the survey, but please be sure to include both if you checked any of the boxes in the "I would like to..." section above.

Your Name 
Your Email Address 
Your phone number
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