Find a Manifestation Partner
This manifestation partner matchmaking is sponsored by Rujoum! It's a blog I launched dedicated to helping people with their consciousness journeys.

When you sign up, you will be matched with a partner. The goal is to communicate and respond with this partner about things that you are manifesting, as though you had already manifested them. 
  • You can be that person with the dream job and talk to them about how you got it.
  • You can be that person who found their significant other and is madly in love.
  • You can be that person that found unconditional happiness. 
You will both reinforce this reality with each other. 

The Rules
The rules will be strictly enforced. 
  • It's absolutely free.
  • I'll vet people to make sure that they are real and seemingly polite.
  • I will try to set people up in the same time zone if requested
  • One strike and you're out. If anyone reports anyone for being rude, aggressive, sexual, disrespectful, etc, they will be removed permanently from this network. Proof (such as screenshots) may be requested before banning.
  • You can choose if you want someone who matches your gender or of the opposite gender
  • You can make special requests that I will do my best to accommodate
That's it! I hope this is helpful!
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What's your email address? *
What is your name? *
Do you consent to receive the occasional Rujoum insight? (No spam, I promise).

I generally write up tips and advice on manifestation and cocreation, all from my own learning and experience.
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What's your gender? *
Would you like to be matched with someone of the same gender as you? *
What country are you from? *
I obviously don't charge for doing this matching! If you would like to do me a favor, please follow my Instagram

Thank you. ✨🧿
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How old are you? *
What languages are you comfortable communicating in?
Do you consent to the rules? *
Would you be interested in a manifestation course?
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Anything else to add/request/suggest?

You will receive an email from me soon matching you with a partner! To make sure that the email doesn’t go to spam, add to your contacts!
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