Make a Kid Spooky Trunk or Treat Volunteer Sign Up
Hi! Thank you for your willingness to volunteer at our very first trunk or treat halloween bash! The event will take place on Saturday, October 23rd from 5-8 pm. We are looking for two categories of volunteers: first, individuals who are willing to decorate their car and hand out candy and second, individuals who do not have a car or would rather just interact with the kids and play games with them. There will be a question below that asks you to indicate which volunteer position you are signing up for.

We hope that this will be a great opportunity for you to gain service hours, interact with some amazing kids, and have a ton of fun! Please complete this form so that we can coordinate further with you. Thank you again and we look forward to seeing you at the trunk or treat!
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
The entirety of the trunk or treat, including set up before and clean up after, will be from 4pm-9pm. Are you able to work this entire time frame? *
If you answered no to the question above, please indicate what hours you wish to volunteer at the event:
What volunteer position are you signing up for? *
Please note that we would love for all volunteers, regardless of position, to bring a couple bags of candy and dress up in a costume! Please mark below if you are able to wear a costume and bring candy. *
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