Eaton Rapids Public Schools Board of Education Public Participation Guidelines
The Eaton Rapids Public Schools Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves. To permit fair and orderly public expression, we ask that you adhere to the following guidelines:

State your name prior to addressing the Board. Keep individual comments limited to 5 minutes or less. Restrict subject matter to issues only - please do not make any personal "attacks" directed at individuals.

The participation of the public at Board meetings is governed by ERPS Bylaw 0167.3. While the Board welcomes public participation in the form of expression or comment regarding matters of school operation, that opportunity is not intended to serve as a forum where the Board or district staff will be expected to respond to inquiries or remarks made by the public. The Board may direct appropriate staff to follow up on inquiries raised through public participation at Board meetings.

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