2020 Teach@CUNY Mid-Winter Institute
The Teaching and Learning Center invites Graduate Center students who are currently teaching as Graduate Teaching Fellows or adjuncts to the Teach@CUNY Mid-Winter Institute, which is scheduled for January 21, from 1-5pm in Room 3317.

This event will be structured as an “unconference,” driven by the needs and desires of those who attend. It will be staffed by TLC Graduate and Post-doctoral Fellows, who will facilitate conversations around topics selected by attendees. There will be spaces to discuss re-configuring course units and assignments for the Spring semester, developing experiential learning projects, integrating educational technology, using a range of writing assignments in courses, effectively facilitating class discussion, wellness in and around the classroom, as well as conversations about disciplinary questions.

Join us in Room 3317 at 1 for introductions, and we’ll then break out into smaller working groups for the remainder of the afternoon. First-year GTFs who attended the 2019 Teach@CUNY Summer Institute are especially encouraged to attend.

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