ACRES Outreach Volunteer Signup Form
Please read this description carefully to understand the volunteer programme, responsibilities and volunteer job scope.

As an outreach volunteer, you will get to interact with people from all walks of life to promote our mission to end animal cruelty. Through roadshows, tours or talks, you will be an ambassador for the voiceless by getting our audience to take action to co-exist with our native wildlife, make cruelty-free choices to directly help animals, whether they are exploited for food, clothing, entertainment or pets.

You will be required to be:
- Level-headed towards all audience and mature in replying anyone that approaches you
- Enthusiastic 
- Communicate verbally in English fluently and clearly
- Responsible for roadshow exhibits or educational materials
- Consuming only vegetarian/vegan snacks/food at roadshow/event booths when on shift or on our premises

Please note our volunteer call-outs are sent via email.

Volunteer slots are booked according to first come first serve basis.

(Suitable for ages 18 and above.)

What happens after I sign up?
You will receive an email confirmation and will be added to our outreach database. We conduct half-day training every 3 months once for outreach volunteers, which is mandatory. Following the training, you’ll be added to a Whatsapp Group chat to which we send call-outs for programmes and roadshows requesting for sign ups.

Do I need to pay to volunteer?
No. However the mandatory training programme costs $50 per person (can be paid on the spot through QR code), in order to cover our expenses for T-shirt, food and time as a charity organisation.

Can I earn VIA hours? 
Yes, you can earn VIA hours when you sign up and volunteer for our education programmes. 

Will there be food provided during volunteering?
Unfortunately no. With no grants supporting our volunteer programmes, we do not have resources to provide meals/drinks. Please be reminded that only vegetarian/vegan food is allowed to be consumed when on duty/using vehicle and in our premises, in line with our values.

Please be aware that we record photos/videos during events for use in our publications or on social media platforms. 

A big thank you!  

Please email us at if you have any questions that are not addressed above. 

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