Northeast Florida Men's Day May 9, 2020: Participant Information
We are following in the footsteps of our neighboring Florida counties and starting a new tradition in Duval County this year. Come join us for the first Men’s Day Choral Festival on May 9th, 2020 conducted by Scott Leaman and hosted by Riverside Presbyterian Church. We hope to provide an often-needed boost to enthusiasm for male singing in your schools and community!

-All men, young and seasoned (6th grade & up) are welcome.
-All participants should arrive for registration at 9am and expect to rehearse until 3pm.
-Lunch and snacks will be provided.
-Participation is $15 per musician and includes a t-shirt, music, and lunch.
-All music will be learned on the day - No preparation needed.
-The concert at 3pm is free of charge - donations will be accepted.
-The deadline to sign-up and pay is April 10th.

Payment must be cash or check paid to: MMS Chorus Boosters. Please fill out this form and send payment by APRIL 10th to :

Mandarin Middle School
MMS Chorus Boosters
5100 Hood Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32257
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Email *
Participant Name *
T-shirt size *
Age *
Parent Name (ONLY participants under 18)
Height *
Participant Phone # *
Parent Phone # (ONLY participants under 18)
Voice Part *
School / Choir *
Check your level of participation: *
I hereby authorize the videotaping/filming/photography of myself or my child (if participant is under 18), and/or the release of my/his/her name and achievement(s) for publishing (print, World Wide Web) and/or broadcasting purposes. I also consent to the showing of the video/film/photographs to any person. I understand that the Duval County School District is not a party to outside organizations’ photography/filming/video production and will hold Duval County Public Schools and its employees harmless from any liability in connection with a production not produced internally by Duval County Public Schools. *
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