2020 Inspector Quiz
After reviewing the inspector training material, take this short quiz.  Your answers will be reported to the Head of Inspections.
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Meil *
What is your first and last name? *
Which of the following beds DO NOT receive DOUBLE towel packs *
1 punkt
Which of the following beds DO NOT receive SINGLE towel packs? *
1 punkt
When is it the inspector’s responsibility to sanitize the house? *
1 punkt
When there are cleaning items that need to be readdressed by the housekeeper, the inspector is to: *
1 punkt
Inspector is to do the following with regards to the sanitizing solution and handout for guests: *
1 punkt
The first picture that should be taken when inspecting is: *
1 punkt
Which of the following protocols is followed when bringing items in for repair or cleaning?
1 punkt
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