Rockville Science Day Volunteer Sign-Up!
Thank you for volunteering to assist us with the 34th Rockville Science Day. The event is on April 27 at Montgomery College's Rockville Campus, 51 Mannakee St, Rockville, MD 20850.
We need volunteers to help with setup on Saturday afternoon, April 26 and at the event on Sunday, April 27. We welcome your assistance in whichever timeslot or slots work for you. This event may be used for Student Service Learning (SSL) credit for the Montgomery County Schools. You must be at least 16 to volunteer
Please read the notes below and fill out the following to volunteer:
               (DON'T FORGET to press the SUBMIT button at the end of the form!)
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Best Phone Number *
Age Group *
Zip Code
Have you volunteered at Rockville Science Day before? *
Anything else we should know? (eg, please let us know if you won't be able to do a complete shift)
Please check one or more Day/Time to volunteer. 
We give SSL hours for volunteering for us. 
Saturday Afternoon
April 26: 6 PM to 9 PM
Sunday Morning
April 27: 9:30 AM to 12 PM
Sunday Afternoon
April 27: 12PM to 6PM
Volunteers are needed from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. We will need some help for exhibitors who will be unloading equipment and beginning to set up their areas ahead of time in the small Gym in Physical Education Building. In addition, we must put up Science Day signs throughout the campus.
Howard Lichtman, 301.580.7190, will be coordinating Saturday setup.
  • Volunteers must report to the Event Central Tables in the front of the Gym for assignment and training.

  • Duties include:

    • Helping the exhibitors unload equipment and set up their exhibits.

    • Placing additional directional and instructional signs all over the campus.

    • Distributing Programs to other buildings and sites being used for Science Day – Science Center, Theater Arts, the Small Gym, Large Gym, and the Campus Center.

    • Substituting for exhibitors as needed. Volunteers should offer to spell an exhibitor for a break as needed.

    • Some volunteers will be assigned to an exhibit for the whole day. It is advisable to learn something about the exhibit if you are going to sit in.

  • 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.: Substituting for exhibitors as described above, until 5pm.

  • The event closes at 5 p.m. and the volunteers need to assist the exhibitors pack up and get their materials and equipment to their cars.

  • Rockville Science Day is an event that can be used for student service-learning credit for the Montgomery County Schools. Just bring your forms with you and we will process them on site.

  • Volunteers must register at the information desk in the front of the Physical Education building upon arrival. Ask our volunteer coordinator for assignments.

  • We will provide you with a volunteer t-shirt while supplies last.

  • To contact us: Call Howard at 301.580.7190

About the Rockville Science Center
The mission of the Rockville Science Center is to inspire a passion for lifelong exploration of science for our community. Through our programs, and our interactive science center, we work to cultivate a sense of inquiry, discovery, wonder and understanding of the scientific foundations of everyday life.
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