La Leche League Barnsley
Welcome to La Leche League GB and thank you for signing in to our digital meeting due to take place on Wednesday 3rd June 2020 at 11am. We collect information about those who attend our meetings so that we can contact you about future meetings and occasional fundraising events. Registers are kept for one year and then destroyed, and so we will not retain your written contact information for longer than one year from when you last attend a meeting. Please tell us whether you consent to this by marking the boxes and let us know for our statistics whether you are an LLLGB subscribing member and whether this is your first meeting.

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Your name*
Is this your first meeting?
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Are you an LLLGB member? (LLL support is free to all mothers. Joining LLLGB through membership is a great way to pay forward the support you receive, and helps to make sure LLLGB continues to exist for mothers of the future. More details here:
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Would you like to be added to our mailing list? If so please add your email address in the "other" box.
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Do you have any specific questions you would like answered?
Please add your mobile number or email address here so we can send you the link to the Zoom meeting.*
How old is your baby/toddler? Please select one. You can add ages in the "other" section if you have more than one child. *
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