HSLC Kitten Foster Class
This quiz asks you a few questions about some educational programs listed below. Please take your time learning from the programs, and then answer the quiz questions . Once you have passed this quiz, you can get started as a foster for kittens from The Humane Society of Lincoln County! 
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Subjects Covered
Total class length - about 1.5hrs
  1. Litter Training - 7min.
  2. Playing with your kitten -9min
  3. Take kitten pictures - 9min
  4. Preventing the Spread of Disease in Foster Homes - 20min
  5. Cleaning and Disinfection in Foster Homes - 16min
  6. Diarrhea in Kittens and Puppies - 5min
  7. Emergencies in Cats and Dogs (5 weeks and older) -25min
Litter Training - 7min.
Kittens may naturally understand the box, but there are many things you can do to ensure that their litter training experience is safe and smooth.
What should you do when starting litter training?  *
4 puntos
Playing with your kitten -9min
Kittens are budding micro-panthers with a strong instinct to practice their hunting skills...and that includes BITING! But just because these fierce little felines have an instinct to bite does not mean that have to be biting YOU. In this video, I share 6 effective and easy tips for getting kittens not to bite you and your hands
Select the true statements  *
4 puntos
Take kitten pictures - 9min
If you're fostering kittens, it's essential to take great photos of them...whether you're a professional photographer or a total amateur. Kitten Lady and cat photographer Andrew Marttila share tips for taking great photos of your foster cat or kitten -- with just a cell phone!
What should you avoid in when taking photos?  *
4 puntos

Upper Respiratory Infections (URI) are common infections of the upper airways in kittens and cats. As a foster caregiver of these pets, there is a high chance that you might encounter this infection in one or more of your fostered felines. This short class will give you the basics of how to recognize URI, when it is an emergency, and helpful tips on caring for a kitten or cat with URI.

The learning objectives for this class will:

  • Provide you with an overview of URI in kittens and cats
  • Inform you about the consequences of URI
  • Teach you how to identify URI symptoms and when to seek veterinary attention
  • Educate you on how to care for kittens and cats with URI


Signs of Corneal ulcer may include: 

4 puntos

How long does it take a cat with a moderate URI to recover? 

4 puntos

What conjunctivitis symptoms classify a severe score of 3? 

4 puntos
True or False : Cats get URI from people 
4 puntos
True or False : People`s contaminated clothing can spread viruses from one cat to another.
4 puntos

Many foster caregivers, at one time or another, foster a pet who is sick. Questions such as how you keep the foster pet from getting your own pets sick or vice versa may arise. In this short instructional class you will learn:

  • The importance of preventing the spread of disease in foster homes. 
  • How to prevent the spread of disease in foster homes. 
  • What fomites are and how to avoid disease transmission through fomites.
  • The proper way to put on and take off protective clothing and gloves

What is PPE

4 puntos

True or False: Stress can cause a cat to start shedding herpesvirus.

4 puntos

True or False: a fomite is a nonliving object that can carry infectious organisms on it`s surface. 

4 puntos

Ture or False: Items containing disinfectant, such as a mop bucket, can not be a fomite. 

4 puntos

True or False: “Kennel Cough” bacteria and viruses are difficult to get rid of in the environment

4 puntos

Housing pets in foster homes lowers their risk of getting sick, because it reduces stress and exposure to infectious disease. Regardless of where animals are living, or whether they are currently sick, cleaning and disinfection help prevent the spread of disease. Cleaning and disinfection is especially important when a foster pet has an infectious disease that is difficult to eradicate from the environment. Foster caregivers should  consider housing options and supplies that allow for easy cleaning and disinfection, and should know what to clean and disinfect, when to clean and disinfect, and how to do so.   


True or False : Cleaning is the application of any agent that kills germs

4 puntos

True or False : A home office is a good place to isolate a foster.

4 puntos

Tue of False: Hardwood floors are difficult to clean and disinfect properly. 

4 puntos
What dilution of bleach is needed to kill ringworm: 
4 puntos

Diluted bleach needs how much contact time to kill canine parvovirus

4 puntos

Thank you for joining us to learn about diarrhea in kittens and puppies aged 0-8 weeks!  Persistent young kitten diarrhea is one of most challenging problems that foster programs face. While most cases of kitten diarrhea resolve within a week’s time, others don’t. It is not uncommon for a veterinarian to run multiple diagnostic tests without finding a cause, or to try different treatments without resolution of the diarrhea.

Sometimes the solution ends up being to let a kitten’s diarrhea run its course, while continuing to provide any needed treatment and supportive care. This persistent diarrhea scenario does not seem to happen very often with puppies. Normally, the cause of a puppy’s diarrhea is more easily identified, and it clears up quickly with the appropriate treatment.

The learning goals for this class are for foster caregivers to:

  • Understand the difference between soft poop and diarrhea in young kittens and puppies
  • Learn about the common causes of kitten and puppy diarrhea
  •  Recognize when veterinary attention is needed for a kitten or puppy who has diarrhea
  • Be able to help prevent and address kitten or puppy diarrhea

True or False: Coccidia can be seen without a microscope

4 puntos

True or False: Weaning is a common cause of stress-related diarrhea

4 puntos

True or False: Antibiotics can cause diarrhea

4 puntos

True or False: Soft poop is normal for very young kittens and puppies

4 puntos

It can be scary trying to decide whether a health problem in your foster cat or dog is an emergency or not. When in doubt, always contact your foster coordinator. Fortunately, emergencies in foster pets don’t happen very often. But it is helpful to know how to recognize symptoms that your foster pets need emergency veterinary care and what you can do to help them in the meantime 


True or False: Many animals coming into a shelter may not have been vaccinated. 

4 puntos

True or False:  If a dog or cat has a high body temp, ice works well for cooling them down     

4 puntos

True or False:  Feline panleukopenia virus (aka distemper virus) can cause vomiting and diarrhea

4 puntos
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This will be  required to finish the foster application process 
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