District 7210 Awards Program - Community Engagement Award

This award will be given to no more than 2 clubs who exemplified the values of a Rotarian and went above and beyond this past year to make a difference in their community. Service, fundraising, and supporting local businesses are just part of the hard work our clubs do to make a difference within their community. A club who receives the community engagement award must provide details on the projects they held within their community and why they work made a difference.

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Your Name *
Your email address
Your Cub Name
Your position in your club  *
Are you nominating on behalf of the club? *
If this nomination is for a club other than your own, which club is the nomination for? 
Why should this club receive the Community Engagement Award? *
What projects were successful this year and why? *
How did they make a difference in the community? *
Is there anything else our District should know about this project?
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