Research Assistant Application
Please fill out the form and email Alexa Nordine at

We review applications on a rolling basis. 

Thank you for your interest in joining Dr. Erika Lunkenheimer's Parent-Child Dynamics Lab. Please complete the below form. If we believe you may be a good fit for our team, we will contact you via email to set up an interview.

Please note that this is not a paid position. Research assistants can choose to either volunteer their time or receive PSY494 credit. Either way, research assistants are asked to dedicate nine hours per week to work in the lab.

If you have any questions, please email Audrey Middaugh at!
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What is your first and last name?
What is your PSU email address?
What is your current academic standing?
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What is your GPA?
Can you commit nine hours per week to lab work?
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How long are you interested in being involved with the lab? Can be answered in number of semesters or calendar months/years.
Please indicate the times this semester that you could be available for lab work. Think of "mornings" as two+ hours between 8:00-11:00. Even if you do not have morning availability, you may still be eligible for an RA position.
Undergrads in the lab have the opportunity to be involved in many different aspects of the research process. Please select any and all roles you would like to be considered for. 
Please list the names of any Psychology or HDFS courses you have completed, plus the grades earned in each course (e.g., "Developmental Psychology, A").
Do you have any prior research experience (e.g., working as a research assistant or completing an honors thesis)? If so, please describe below. If not, please type NA.
Do you have any prior experience with young children or families (e.g., working as a camp counselor or nanny)? If so, please describe below. If not, please type NA.
Do you have any prior experience working with data (e.g., tracking information in Excel or inputting data into a program like SPSS)? If so, please describe below. If not, please type NA.
Why do you want to join the Parent-Child Dynamics Lab?
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