Vintage Sellers Community Waitlist
Interested in joining The Vintage Seeker's modern community for vintage vendors, antiques dealers and secondhand sellers?

Please answer a few quick questions below and we'll be in touch soon!
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First name *
Last name *
Email address *
Shop name *
What is your main selling location? Paste your shop URL, social media handle OR business address here.
What categories of secondhand goods do you sell? Check all that apply.
Which option BEST describes where you are at in your reselling journey? *
Which aspects of the Vintage Sellers Community interest you the most? Check all that apply. *
How much time per week do you think you can commit to engaging with the Vintage Sellers Community online? *
Would you prefer a monthly or annual membership to join the community? *
What value do you aim to bring your customers? Check all that apply. *
What is your biggest challenge right now as a vintage, antiques or secondhand vendor? Choose ONE from the dropdown. *
What would motivate you to stick around and engage as a member of the Vintage Sellers Community? *
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