Fabric 2020 - Application form
Fabric is not a course or training on leadership, but an informal peer-to-peer development programme for people who are keen to grow their confidence and agency for leading creative initiatives and projects that will have positive impacts in Dundee.

We ran the Fabric programme in 2018-19 and you can read insights into last year's Fabric programme and see full report here: https://wp.me/p2JZCv-6EY

This year the programme has a focus on collective leadership and social justice, and includes opportunities to hear from city and community leaders, to share knowledge and experiences with each others, and to discuss about how we can collectively make Dundee even better!

A selected group of 20 people will come together monthly to share ideas, inspirations and experiences, from March to June 2020, in various spaces, and meet with current doers and connectors across the city. The programme is designed to immerse participants in new contexts, and widen their knowledge and understanding of the city.

Fabric is open to anyone who is actively interested in the direction of the city and wants to further develop their creative leadership skills.

You can apply for the Fabric programme regardless of your creative practice, stage in your professional career or the demographic you identify with – we are particularly keen to ensure that the Fabric group reflects the social, economic and cultural fabric of the city.

The programme includes 4 day-sessions, from March to June 2020, and is open to anyone who's looking for:

- Time and peer support to reflect on your own creative leadership skills, your core values and your vision for the future;
- Opportunities to better understand Dundee's strengths and challenges, and to create new connections in the city;
- A safe space to meet and discuss with other creative leaders within the city.


Thursday 26th March: 9.30am - 4.30pm
Thursday 23rd April: 9.30am - 4.30pm
Friday 22nd May: all day
Thursday 18th June: 9.30am - 4.30pm

To apply, simply complete this form below or answer the questions via email, or if you have any questions, just get in touch with our programmes producer at claire@creativedundee.com.

Application deadline is Sunday 15th March 2020.

Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Adreça electrònica *
Full name: *
How do you see your creative practice/work evolve in the future and how will it contribute to the city’s creative sector? Please share your vision for your own practice/work and for the city, and how those are connected. (200 words max) *
What else would you like to be able to do, or do differently, in the near future to make your vision happen? (200 words max) *
What do you want to get from the Fabric programme? (200 words max) *
Please share some words in support of your application from a friend or a colleague? (200 words max) *
How did you hear about the Fabric programme? *
Tell us about yourself and your practice! (50 words max) *
If your application is successful, this will be used on our website. See examples from last year participants here: https://wp.me/p2JZCv-6EY
Have you completed our Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Monitoring Form? *
Creative Dundee uses this information for statistical purposes to monitor our equalities, diversity and inclusion. Your information is processed by Creative Dundee in accordance with the General Data Protection Act, will be managed confidentially and won’t be personally attributable. Follow this link to complete the form: https://forms.gle/kCc8qWXsqfeTUMRk7
Thank you for applying to Fabric 2020! You'll hear from us shortly after the deadline on March 15th.
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