Middle School Program Interest Form
The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum offers both in-person and virtual programs for your students.
İlerleme durumunu kaydetmek için Google'da oturum açın Daha fazla bilgi
Type of Program
Which program are you interested in? Please visit virtual programs or school visits for program descriptions. *
When are you interested in participating in your program? *
Grade Level(s) *
Number of students (Please note that "The Most Powerful and Precious Right: Ensuring the Right to Vote Past and Present" in-person program requires a minimum of 15 students and has a maximum of 40 students. It is possible to reserve more than one program to accommodate larger groups.) *
Number of adults
Teacher's Name *
Email Address *
Names of any other teachers for this reservation
School *
Street Address *
City *
Zip Code
Phone Number *
How did you learn about our programs? *
Please list any accessibility accommodations that would benefit your students such as captioning for students that may be deaf or hard of hearing.
Please list any curriculum connections or learning objectives you would like to prioritize.
Any additional comments or questions:
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