Online coding group for women - interest form (2 - 6 month group)
Coding has changed my life...for the way better.

More women and Mom's should be incentivized and have an easy way to begin coding.

Learning to code means that job opportunities start to open up to you that can be more remote, and more flexible.

It will take 2-6 months to learn (and get started with python and basic website building), part-time. But together, I GUARANTEE, we can do it.

I am putting together this survey since I have two moms/women I am helping learn to code right now. I'm hoping to get a group or two together. I am a female software engineer, and will provide direction and all of the resources you need to succeed. Everybody can motivate each other and learn at their own pace.

I'm trying to figure out how often the group would want to meet and find more women who are interested. Please fill out the interest form below, and I will reach out. Please feel free to share with your friends. Thanks!

The group itself will be free until you get a new job / complete your learning. "Programming bootcamps" exist, but are very demanding financially and from a time perspective. It can be a headache to know how to get started, so let's get you moving faster, together.
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What is your email address? *
Which city or timezone are you in?
What is your name? *
How many hours a week are you able to learn? *
Is there a particular language you are interested in?
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What's the main reason you want to learn to code?
Would you do the bootcamp while working? *
Let us know which of these describes you
Would you be looking for a new job after learning? Or are you doing this to upskill. Or as a side project. Explain. *
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