Planning Your Ideal Vacation
Hi! I'm Ben Rosebrock, a travel agent with Fairy Godmother Travel. It is my job to ensure that you find an ideal vacation that meets your needs. My services are always 100% free to you, my client.

Please fill out the form below, so that we can get started. Once the form is submitted I will contact you.
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Today's Date *
How would you prefer we communicate? *
Which type of vacation are you most interested in? *
When do you want to travel? *
Please indicate the month and year. If you know your specific travel dates, then you may list those as well.
Travel Party: How many adults? Kids? *
If kids are traveling, please include their ages.
Destination: Where do you want to travel? *
Please list your desired destination. For example: "I'm considering an Alaskan cruise." OR "I've always wanted to visit the Banff National Park."
Nearest Airport to your home?  *
Enter the nearest MAJOR airport city in your state of residence. 
Please share any other information that would be helpful in planning. *
For example: Any dietary restrictions or special requests?
How did you learn about Ben Rosebrock? *
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