MANNA -Joseph Storehouse Β Volunteer Sign-up sheetΒ 
Thank you for volunteering at MANNA - Joseph Storehouse. Your commitment reflects how God works through us to provide food and hope to those in need. Your selflessness embodies His grace, making a significant impact on our community. Together, we continue to fulfill God's purpose and share His blessings with those who need it most. Thank you for being a valued volunteer in this divine endeavor.
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I can volunteer on πŸ‘‡πŸ»
I can volunteer on πŸ‘‡πŸ»
I can volunteer on πŸ‘‡πŸ»
Any other Hours, please specify.
We truly appreciate your support in God's Kingdom's mission to combat food insecurity and create a brighter future for our community. Together, we can make a significant impact. Thank you for being a valued volunteer!
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