Amor Fati Interest Check
Thank you for your interest in Amor Fati, an upcoming fanzine dedicated to wlw ships in the Fate Universe, from the canon to the rareships. Please answer the following questions truthfully, so we can best gauge how to approach the production of the zine.
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Which kind of zine would you be more interested in?
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If we were to charge for the zine, where would you prefer the money to go?
Please note that if the zine ends up being physical as well as digital, we would need to cover production and shipping expenses before doing anything else with the money.
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The theme of the zine is sapphic ships in the Fate universe (this includes Stay Night, Grand Order, and all other spin-offs). Would you be more interested in the zine if we were to open our scope to all Type-Moon franchises?
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If you're interested in seeing wlw ships from other Type-Moon franchises in the zine, which ones would you be more interested in?
Which kind of content would you like to see in the zine? (Not including merch)
Would you be interested in participating in the zine?
If we were to offer physical merch along with the zine, what kind of merch would you be more interested in?
How much would you be willing to pay for a digital-only version of the zine?
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How much would you be willing to pay for a physical version of the zine? (Book only, not counting possible merch bundles)
Please answer truthfully, as this will help us gauge how much money we could spend on a physical version the zine.
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Are there any ships you'd be especially interested in seeing in the zine?
Is there anything else you'd like us to consider?
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