Mandy's Newsletter Troubleshooting
This form is for existing newsletter subscribers who are having trouble receiving promotional emails from Mandy. If you have not already signed up for Mandy's newsletter and want to, you can do so here (once you do, watch for the confirmation email that will come and CONFIRM or you won't be added.) 

If you're already signed up but still aren't getting newsletter emails from Mandy, please fill out the following form so we can try to figure out why that may be. 
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Name (First and Last) *
Email address (must be the one you signed up for the newsletter with for us to hunt for it) *
SPAM folder
1.  Go to your email's SPAM folder and search for  if you find an email from that address, mark it as NOT SPAM and/or drag and drop it into your main/primary email folder. 

2.  Gmail users, be sure to also check the PROMOTIONS tab and search for in there. You can drag and drop any emails from Mandy right into your Primary folder.
Have you checked your email spam and promotions folder and followed the above directions? *
Un-Suppress Me
Newsletter hosts have a section called the suppressed folder. This is where emails go to never be sent that newsletter again. How emails get there is normally by way of the person who owns the email address clicking Unsubscribe Me on an email. Another way is if a subscriber didn't CONFIRM their subscription to start with. Maybe the subscriber's email host bounced the email back one too many times, so the system auto-entered it. However the email addy may have ended up there, the only way to get it out is manually. 

In order to have us manually move your email addy (should it be found there on our end) is to give us express permission to do so. 
Yes, I want to receive Mandy's newsletter, but I'm not. Please un-suppress my email address if it's found to be in the suppressed list (meaning the DO NOT SEND list).  *
Add to your contact list
To help prevent Mandy's newsletter from ending up in spam, be sure to add to your email contacts.
Did you add to your email contacts? *
Reconfirm your email address (enter it again) *
That's it! Yay! 
That's everything. As time permits, Mandy and her team will go in to manually unsupress any emails that have been submitted. If your email was not found in the suppressed folder list you will need to complete the sign-up process as a new subscriber
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