Character Requests!
REMEMBER! There is no guarantee that your request will be done! If it isn't part of a media/franchise I like, there is less a chance that I'll do it. If you want to commission a bot, join the discord or DM me! 

-No requests of characters under 18 years old
   -This is unless they are properly aged up, or have the mental capacity of an adult. However, if the character is around the 1-10 kind of range canonically, I probably won't do it. When I say to age them up, I mean by a few years. If you need to add an entire DECADE to them, that's a no.
   -Exceptions exist, such as characters that are mentally an adult with an adult body such as Android 21 or 2B.

-OC requests are allowed, however, they are far less likely to be accepted without a rather hefty amount of lore to go off of. I may also request for more info then you give me, so please put your DISCORD instead of your Janitor profile if you submit one.

-Don't just say "idk lol" for a scenario, that's lame and low effort, and I will just delete requests that don't have a proper scenario.

-No requests that go against Janitor's TOS. This includes but is not limited to; Incest, Pedophilia, Zoophilia (Furries/Furry Characters don't count, those can be requested), etc. Basically if it isn't allowed on Janitor, I'm not making it.
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                                                "What can I serve y'all today?"
Character Name *
What series is this character from? *
What scenario would you like? *
If your character is an OC, describe them here.
OPTIONAL: What is your Janitor or Discord username? 
                                                            "Enjoy your meal!"
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