Instructional Design Showcase - Registration Form
The instructional designers at UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) work with faculty, librarians, software companies, and others to showcase interesting courses and uses of instructional technologies. Through these showcases, we:
  • Celebrate the faculty’s teaching and design efforts in their courses,
  • Share examples of innovative course design to enhance teaching and learning,
  • Address pedagogical approaches and strategies in various courses and disciplines, and
  • Highlight features of the Bruin Learn platform and other technologies.
We often collaborates closely with the Bruin Learn Center of Excellence (CoE) and other campus partners to bring these showcases to the UCLA community.

The Instructional Design Showcase event will feature one or two different courses each month. Sessions in February are online events via Zoom.

Zoom Session information:
Meeting ID: 991 3413 9553
Passcode: 525628

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Please indicate the session date(s) you would like to attend.  You may attend as many sessions as you would like. *
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