Wanted VAFC Volunteer Coaches 2024
Vancouver Athletic FC is looking for committed, enthusiastic individuals who will make positive role models as coaches in our community grassroots soccer club.  We encourage anyone that has an interest to want to coach a team to sign up below.  A sports background is always helpful but not necessary.  Coach training will be offered through BC Soccer (online & on-field) and VAFC, this will give our volunteer coaches extra support and training at no additional expense.
First Name: *
Last Name:
Email *
Phone number
As a Volunteer Coach I will consent to a Criminal Record Check (CRC), as per the guidelines set out by BC Soccer.
Please select one or more of the positions you are most interested in. *
Are you only interested in coaching the team that your child is on? 
Do you have any previous soccer or other sport coaching experience? Refer to your most recent coaching position and the amount of time spent coaching youth sports. Thanks!
What age group(s) would you like to volunteer Coach for?         *
Gender of team that you will want to coach! *
What coaching certification level(s) have you completed?
Do you have a question for us?  Use the space here to send us any questions you might have, thank you!
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