JSM Branding, Marketing & PR Needs Assessment
Kindly complete our needs form so we can best assist you. For executives, entrepreneurs, artists and teams!
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JS Media Marketing Needs Assessment
What is your service(s)  interest?  Select as many as you need. *
Artist or Athlete Marketing
Branding Initiative (company)
Personal Branding Strategy & Coaching
LinkedIn Profile Design and Writing
Social Media Design
Search Marketing Strategy
Social Media Team Training
SEO Team Training
Paid Media
Web Design
Social Media Marketing Strategy
Logo or Brand Design
Event Marketing
Custom Illustration
Keynote Speaking on Social Selling
Describe your main needs and a bit about your project or organization. Be as detailed as possible. Let us know if you are looking for advisory or strategy support, writing support, design help, marketing management or representation. *
Provide your full name, title , phone , social media profiles of either your brand or business (Facebook, LinkedIn, IG, Twitter, YT, TikTok, Pinterest or any available) *
What is your full website url (necessary for seo review). If none, put n/a. If in need of a website and or logo let us know. *
What is your top priority to get done within 30 days and why? Be as specific as possible. *
What is your budget or money allocation for this priority and what is the most important thing to you about having this handled? (Giving us a guideline of how much money you have to invest is critical so we can make sure we can provide an exact solution) *
Provide any related urls to this project or need for work. If you have a website or a social account where you need traffic/fan development list here. If any documents you want to share for us to review, please share as dropbox links or email to us at jasmine@jasminesandler.com and note that here. *
What marketing or PR work have you had done for you or your brand/project/organization in the last year, who did it, what were the results ? What did you like, did not like about any service provided to you? *
What marketing resources (people) do you have now that you will use as part of this project (roles). If you need additional support, let us know what roles you are looking to fill. *
List 2-3 competitor urls (for JSM SEO service request only). Otherwise add N/A.
How soon are you ready to start services? This means when you want to engage JSM for work. *
For those interested in getting quick answers on branding, are you interested in an initial discounted 15 minute zoom or phone consultation with our CEO, Jasmine Sandler @ $50 (normally $100) or are you simply looking to share your needs on a call to determine the best solution or do you simply want responses and discussions through email? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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