Outstanding Community Work Nomination Form

The SoLAR Awards Committee is calling for nominations for outstanding community work in the field of learning analytics. People can nominate themselves or nominate others. We are specifically looking for nominations covering different regions of the world, i.e. Australasia, Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, and South America. 

What do we mean by “outstanding community work”? Below  are the eligibility criteria to be nominated for this award (please note that while only 1 is required), select all that apply: 

  • Engagement with researchers and/or practitioners to train or disseminate initiatives in the area of learning analytics 

Support the dissemination of ideas in the field to multiple stakeholders 

  • Engagement as a volunteer in community-based learning or research activities 

  • Outreach activities to connect learning analytics with other communities 

  • Foster exchange of knowledge around learning analytics with multiple groups

Decision process: 

  • The decision on who will be awarded will be taken by the SoLAR Awards Committee

  • The winners will be announced during LAK25

  • If there aren’t any nominees for one of the geographical regions, no award will be given for that region

  • If there is only one nominee for a geographical region, then this person will not automatically win (e.g. due to the eligibility criteria not being met)

Deadline for submissions is February 21, 2025 23:59 AOE.  
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Email *
Email of Nominee (if different from above)
Geographical Region the nominee is located in;  i.e. Australasia, Africa, Europe, North America, and South America. 
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Details of outstanding community work undertaken by the nominee (max. one page, a link to a list of publications can be added).  
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