School Year 2024-2025
You will receive a confirmation email and more class info within two days of registration.
Your place is not saved until tuition has been paid. Please pay within one week of registration. 
Payments may be made on Venmo. We are @TheDancingSchool or Elizabeth Zobian - last 4 digits 2928.
Or Zelle -
We also accept cash, check or credit cards in person or over the phone.

Email *
Student's First & Last Name *
Parent's First & Last Name *
Phone *
Address- including city and state *
Student's Date of Birth *
Check Classes For Which You Would Like To Register. *
Check box to acknowledge: 
- No refunds are given. 
- Tuition is due at the beginning of each month. It is late after the 15th.
- If you drop a class, you will be charged for the month, unless you notify us before the month begins.
Please check yes to agree to our family observation policy. 

Studio B: 
- Only students are permitted in Studio B, no family.
- One family member of a studio B student may wait next door in Studio A  - no young siblings please.

Studios A and D:
-One family member of each student will be permitted into the studio to watch silently. Please silence your phone. 
If your student is younger than 10 please do not bring them into the studio until 5 minutes before their class.

Older students may come 15 minutes early to warm up.

All students must be potty trained.
 Please Check to agree to our picture/video policy. The Dancing School occasionally posts photos/videos of our students on our web site and social media.  We are careful to never identify the dancer by name. Please notify us in writing if you do not want photos/videos of your child posted. Thank you. *
Check "Yes" if you agree. WAIVER OF LAWSUIT/LIABILITY: I hereby forever release and waive my right to bring suit against The Dancing School, its owners, employees, or other representatives in connection with exposure, infection, and/or spread of COVID-19 as well as other diseases or injuries related to utilizing The Dancing School’s services and premises. I understand that this waiver means I give up my right to bring any claims including for personal injuries, death, disease or property losses, or any other loss, including but not limited to claims of negligence and give up any claim I may have to seek damages, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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