HEART TO HEART : Spring 2021 Pilot Sign Up
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Full Name *
Work E-mail Address *
Role at Parish *
Parish (Name and City) *
How excited would you be to use Heart to Heart with your teens during the pilot phase? *
Not very excited.
In what setting would you like to pilot Heart to Heart? *
You can choose more than one, if you desire.
How many copies of Heart to Heart would you be ordering to use during the pilot phase (January - April 2021)? *
Take into account any/all grade levels and settings you would like to pilot in.
What do you need from Lindsay as you get the support for this from your pastor or other staff members?
A note before we pick your brain on costs!
The real printed cost of Heart to Heart (ordered in bulk, at a minimum of 1,000 copies, by the Diocese) will be around $7.50/copy.

Some might think: WOAH. That's a steal.

Others might think: WOAH. That's a lot.

Both could be true regarding the situation in your parish or school. When it comes down to it, what we value and what is most important often is often shown by where we're willing to invest time, energy, and money.

There are few endeavors as worthy as helping our young people learn how to pray and bringing them closer to Jesus Christ and his Church. We believe Heart to Heart will be a great aid in doing so.

Lastly, some words from Saint Pope John Paul II:
As the 20th century draws to a close, the Church is bidden by God and by events to renew her trust in catechetical activity as a prime aspect of her mission. She is bidden to offer catechesis her best resources in people and energy, without sparing effort, toil or material means, in order to organize it better and to train qualified personnel. This is no mere human calculation; it is an attitude of faith. And an attitude of faith always has reference to the faithfulness of God, who never fails to respond.
Share with us your reaction to the actual cost of each Heart to Heart book your parish or school would invest in. *
No way we could swing that.
That's a lot; probably won't be in.
We'll make it work.
Not a problem. We're in!
In the pilot phase you're interested in, there might be a deal or major discount. Share with us your reaction to the actual cost of each Heart to Heart book IN THE PILOT PHASE. *
No way we could swing that.
That's a lot; probably won't be in.
We'll make it work.
Not a problem. We're in!
Imagine you came across Heart to Heart and it wasn't produced by your friendly Diocesan staff, so you're buying it from an independent publisher. (Let's be honest. H2H is awesome, and you couldn't wait to use it with your kids.) What do you think of the following costs in that scenario when buying for RE or school classes? *
No way we could swing that.
That's a lot; probably won't be in.
We'll make it work.
Not a problem. We're in!
Imagine you came across Heart to Heart as a parent or Confirmation sponsor, and you are going to buy it to use with just one or a couple kids at a time. What do you think of the following costs in that scenario when buying very small quantities? *
No way I would buy it.
That's a lot; maybe I would buy it.
I'd make it work
No hesitation at all. I'm buying.
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