Town Hall Poll Questions
If you were unable to attend the Town Hall Meeting on 06/01/2020, please review the questions below to submit your feedback to us!
Would you send your child to school in the building in the fall? *
If yes, what option/approach are you most comfortable with? (Please know that these options are draft versions and not final but rather just considerations) If you are interested in learning more about the Colorado Department of Education draft considerations and suggestions you can find on the following website.  Again nothing is final and everything is in planning stages at this time.
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What is most important to you when your student comes into school this fall? Choose only one. We want to identify what will be important as the student’s transition back to in-person learning. *
Any comments?
If No, you do not want to send your child to school in the fall and are enrolled full-time will you want eLearning Full-Time?
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If No, you do not want to send your child to school in the fall and are enrolled full-time you want only packets to work on with your students and want minimal virtual learning?
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