Calgary Cat Fest Registration
Welcome to the Calgary Cat Fest!

Thank you for your interest in participating in the Calgary Cat Fest as a vendor! This exciting event is a celebration of all things feline, bringing together cat lovers from all over to enjoy a day filled with cat-themed activities, exhibitions, and fun. Please fill out the form below to register as a vendor for the event. Your registration helps us ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all attendees and vendors.

The vendor fees amount to $200 for both days, and vendors are required to participate on both days.

We value you taking the time to put forth your application for this opportunity. We are grateful for your enthusiasm regarding the 3rd Annual Calgary Cat Festival and Market. Should you be chosen as a vendor, a team member from the Calgary Cat Festival and Market will reach out to you. Thank you.

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Phone Number *
(123) 456-9999
Company Name *
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Products or Services Offered *
Have you participated in the previous Calgary Cat Fest editions? *
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