CNR Spring League 2021 Registration
April 9th thru May 23rd

Games played on Saturday and Sunday with some Friday night opportunities.

Boys' and Girls' divisions grades 2 thru Varsity.

Cost is $75 per game for each participating team.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Team Name *
Grade *
Gender *
Ranking *
(1 being worst, 10 being best)
Coach Name *
Coach Email Address
Coach Phone Number *
How many games does your team want to play? *
Cost is $75 per game
We will have Friday night games during the year.  Do you want to play any Friday games?
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Geographic Area of Team *
Specific Conflicts
Cost for the league is $75 per game.

If you plan on paying by money order or cash, you need to first notify us at to arrange the exchange.

If you are mailing a check, please make payable to CNR Basketball and mail to:

CNR Basketball
632 Autumn Rise Lane
Columbia, IL 62236
What is your preferred method of payment? *
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