Pixi+ General Contact
If you have a general inquiry about Pixi+ that is not related to investment, media inquiries, legal issues, or product support, then you're in the right place. Please let us know what's on your mind below. A reminder to first make sure you agree with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before contacting us, especially if you wish to recommend an idea or feature request.

For investor inquiries, please go back and click the Investor Inquiries contact form from the footer of our website, at https://www.pixiplus.com

For media, blogger or influencer inquiries, please go back and click the Media Inquiries contact form from the footer of our website, at https://www.pixiplus.com

For legal issues, please go back and click the Terms of Service link from the footer of our website, at https://www.pixiplus.com to review your rights, responsibilities, and contact information should there be a dispute, such as allegations of copyright infringement. Note that Pixi Plus Inc. has officially licensed its stock and video footage from providers such as Adobe and Getty Images, and to the best of its knowledge, uses publicly available brand assets (such as logos) and movie/show posters in accordance with the law.

For product support, please refer to the Help link at https://www.pixiplus.com once Pixi+ is officially launched. However, if you find an issue with the website, please let us know via this form.
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