The Brighton School Alumni Survey
The Brighton School is looking to form a database of our alumni and to start connecting more with them. We would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on how we can connect with our Brighton alum! Please feel free to share this with other Brighton alumni or those part of the Brighton community. We thank you for your time in answering this brief survey!
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Name *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
What is your preferred method of contact? *
Do you follow any of The Brighton School's social media accounts? *
Do you currently receive The Brighton School's monthly newsletter, The Bengal Connection? *
Please pick which best describes you. *
When did you attend The Brighton School? *
When you attended, what was the name of the school? *
What was the last grade level you attended at The Brighton School (or any other previous naming of the school)? *
When was the last time you interacted with The Brighton School (through social media, in-person, etc.)? *
Please select all that you would be interested in participating in. *
On a scale from not likely to very likely, how likely would you be to attend events with other Brighton alumni? *
Not likely
Very Likely
On a scale from not likely to very likely, how likely would you be to participate in organizing events and fundraisers with other Brighton alumni? *
Not likely
Very Likely
Do you have any ideas/suggestions on how to engage and keep in contact with alumni like yourself? *
Would you be interested in being a point person for your graduating class to gather the contact information? *
On a scale of 1 to 5, how connected do you feel to this organization/institution? *
Not connected
Very connected
On a scale of 1 to 5, how likely are you to recommend The Brighton School to others? *
Not likely
Very likely
On a scale of 1 to 5, how beneficial do you feel your education at this institution was to your overall education? *
Not beneficial
Very beneficial
Which best describes you? *
If employed, what best describes the industry you work in? *
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