Bravin Consultants Discovery Call Questionnaire
Thank you for deciding to reach out to Keith K. L. Belvin of Bravin Consultants.
Take a few moments to answer all the questions, allowing Mr. Belvin to understand what is happening at the moment in your life. By answering all the questions in detail, you allow Mr. Belvin to learn what he can offer to help with your current time of need.
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E-mail *
What is your Full Name or how you would like to be addressed? *
Phone Number ( you will not receive any spam calls or text) *
Your Age? *
How were you referred to Mr. Belvin? *
If a person referred you, is it OK to contact the person listed above to offer our gratitude for guiding you here?   *
In your own words, why are you seeking assistance at this time? Don't be scared; please share as much as you can. ***Please feel comfortable with sharing. This is a safe place, and your writing will not judge you.*** *
 How are you feeling right now? What do you think will happen if your current situation doesn't change?
Do you consider yourself low, average, or high interpersonal IQ? If married, answer for both. Have you ever taken a personality assessment? If Yes, which one?
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