At the Table Survey
Please complete the following short survey regarding the At the Table series. This information is completely confidential and will be used to determine future show content. If you have any questions or concerns with this survey, please contact Sydney Knowles at

*North Carolina Cooperative Extension is an equal opportunity provider.
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How do you watch the show? *
How did you hear about the show? *
Select all that apply: Did this show: *
Has this show helped you: *
Already doing this
Learn more about safe food handling and food preparation practices?
Increase your fruit and/or vegetable intake?
Consume less sodium?
Has this show helped impact your health? (i.e. blood pressure, cholesterol, weight) *
If yes, please explain.
What is the most important thing you learned from viewing At the Table? *
What do you like most about the show?
How could we improve At the Table?
What topics would you like covered on future episodes? (cooking techniques, health topics, guests you'd like to see on the show, etc.)
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