RELEASE STATEMENT I hereby authorise Julia McHugh to provide coaching for the purposes outlined in this intake form and for the future purposes that I may request. I acknowledge that it is my sole responsibility to act in such a manner as to be responsible for my own safety and to participate within my own limits. I further understand that it is my responsibility to finish the program and that my results will be affected by my actions. That means I must attend every session. I must go through the process all the way to the end. I must do the exercises assigned in each session, and do them fully and completely.
The term “Confidential Information” shall mean information which is not generally known to the public relating to the Client’s business or personal affairs. The Coach agrees not to disclose, reveal or make use of any Confidential Information learned through its transactions with Client, during discussion with Client, the coaching session with the Coach, or otherwise, without the written consent of Client. However, the Coach has the right to use case studies of Client’s situations and results or Client testimonials in future work but without making reference to Client’s full identity if so requested by Client. The Client will always be contacted for approval prior to any case study or testimonial being published.
Company shall keep the Confidential Information of the Client in strictest confidence and shall use its best efforts to safeguard the Client’s Confidential Information and to protect it against disclosure, misuse, loss and theft.
Please type your name below to signify you have read, understand and agree with this release statement.