Application for AFLB with ED
This is an application to participate in the group class, Advice From a Loving Bitch, facilitated by Elizabeth Duffy
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Name, pronouns, and location: *
Email address and phone number: *
What do you know or what have you experienced with Rythea Lee’s "Advice from a Loving Bitch" online show?
What brings you to this work? *
What excites you about doing this group? *
What are you wanting to learn through this group process?
What are your identities that you would like to share? (Optional)
Do you feel mentally and emotionally stable to be participating in a therapeutic focus group like this? Please tell me about your support system. *
Have you recently had any mental health crisis or struggled with self-harming thoughts or behaviors that you think I should know about? *
Are there triggers for you around group sharing? If so, how do you manage those moments? What resources will you use? *
What else do you want to mention or ask about this program? Please let me know about any questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you! 
Are you able to commit to the entire length of the program? Mondays June 7 - August 2. 3:30 - 5 pm AKDT / 7:30 - 9 pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) *
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