CC25 Ambassador Interest Application
Thank you for your interest in the Creating Change 2025 Ambassador Program!

What is a Creating Change Ambassador?
Creating Change Ambassadors are beacons of goodwill and radical welcome for all conference participants. An ambassador is also someone who supports planning and programming in key areas. Creating Change has always prioritized building the conference in collaboration with a host committee made up of local leaders. The CC25 Ambassador Program is the newest evolution of this effort.  

Interested in becoming a #CC25 Ambassador?
Please submit your thoughtful responses to the prompts included in this application.

As a reminder:
#CC25 takes place at the Rio Casino, Hotel, and Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, January 22–26.

*Our team will follow up with ambassador applicants throughout the month of August 2024*

Thank you for your time!

The Creating Change team 
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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Pronouns *
Confirm email address *
Organizational affiliation (write "N/A" if none) *
What would make you a good ambassador? *
What excites you about the Creating Change Conference? *
What do you hope to gain from your experience as a Creating Change ambassador? *
Tell us about your experience in the Las Vegas community. How do you prioritize racial, gender, economic, and disability justice in your work and life? *
If you had one superpower, what would it be? Why? 😊
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