Marshall/Rhodes/Luce Info Session Registration
We're excited for your interest in a fellowship opportunity!

We highly encourage you to attend an info session or make an appointment to discuss what steps you can take to make yourself a competitive candidate or how to put forth your strongest application.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sylvia Wu, Fellowship Advisor, at Or visit our website at:
Acceder a Google para guardar el progreso. Más información
Correo electrónico *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Please list your address.
Major *
Which fellowship(s) are you interested in? *
Which info session will you be attending?
Zoom login details will be emailed the week before the info session but also below for reference:

Meeting ID: 864 9213 1801
Passcode: showcase

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To schedule a meeting with the Fellowship Advisor, please indicate your two-week availability and purpose for the meeting. We will get back to you via email with the set meeting date/time.
eg. MWF 9:00am-11:20am, 1:30-3:30pm; TR 12:00-3:00pm. I would like to assess my eligibility for the Marshall Scholarship.
Other Questions/Comments
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