Third Coast Paddling Employment Application
Want to join the crew at our kayak and paddleboard rental locations? Complete this survey to tell us about yourself. If you sound like a great fit for a current opening, we'll reach out to set up a time to talk. Please note that you may not hear back from us right away if we don't have any opportunities available, but we'll keep your application on file. Thank you for your interest!
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Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number *
What is the best way to reach you? 
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Tell us about your last three jobs or any other relevant work history. Where did you work, what were your responsibilities, and what were the dates you worked there? *
Where did you attend/are you attending school? What was your highest level completed? *
Are you a resident of the City of Benton Harbor?
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Why are you a good fit for our rentals team, and why would you like to work here? *
What kind of experience do you have with customer service? 
What kind of experience do you have with  kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, and/or sandboarding? *
Our rental sites are open from mid-May through Labor Day (plus weekends in fall). 

• Would you be available during the entire season? 
• If you're interested in just summer employment, when would you need to stop working for the season? 
• Are there any days/times you won't be available during the season (because of vacation, classes, another job, etc.)? 
Where are you willing to work? (Check all that apply.) *
Do you have reliable transportation?
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Are you comfortable with the following work conditions? (Check all that apply.) 
Do you know anyone who works/has worked at Third Coast? If so, who?  
If we don't have a rental site opening for you at this time, would you be interested in helping at our kids' beach day camps? *
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself?
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